Denny’s Menu Price (Kazakhstan)

Discover the different flavors of Denny’s menu prices in Kazakhstan! Enjoy a variety of cuisine, including traditional American breakfasts and specialties with a local twist.

This guide provides information on great alternatives, their cost, and nutritional information to help you make a healthy eating decision at Denny’s. Enjoy Kazakhstan’s cozy cuisine with the confidence of knowing what’s on your plate.

Denny’s Kazakhstan Menu Summary

Denny’s Kazakhstan offers a unique blend of American cuisine classics and local flavors with a diverse menu that includes American breakfast and Italian.

Denny's Menu Price (Kazakhstan)

Shakshuka style breakfast, soups like cream of mushroom and Tom Yum, Italian salads, and delicious main dishes like chicken steak delicious desserts like salmon steaks and Berry Mousse Cheesecake. Sweets like Tropicana and Berry Blast provide a refreshing conclusion.

Denny’s Menu with Prices (Kazakhstan)

Американский завтраклв2.599,00
Кокосовые сырники с клюквенным эко-джемомлв1.999,00
Мультизлаковая каша на миндальном молокелв1.599,00
Шакшука по-Итальянски с томатами и шампиньонамилв1.899,00
Крем-суп “Грибы”лв1.599,00
Суп “Минестроне”лв1.599,00
Суп Том Ям с морепродуктамилв2.799,00
Борщ с грушей и черносливомлв1.699,00
Итальянский салатлв2.399,00
Салат “Цезарь” с курицейлв2.599,00
Салат “Цезарь” с креветкамилв2.799,00
Салат с печеной свеклой, Фетой и трюфельной заправкойлв2.199,00
Куриный стейклв3.399,00
Медальоны из телятинылв3.699,00
Стейк из семгилв3.799,00
Творожные “Rafaello” (6 шт.)лв2.599,00
Ягодный муссовый чизкейклв1.999,00
Фитнес конфеты (6 шт.)лв2.599,00
Смузи “Тропикана”лв1.599,00
Смузи “Кето”лв1.599,00
Смузи “Ягодный бум”лв1.599,00
Смузи “Витаминный бум”лв1.599,00

Denny’s Kazakh Breakfast Menu

The breakfast menu includes American breakfast, coconut pancakes with organic cranberry jam, multigrain porridge with almond milk and Italian-style Shakshuka with tomato and mushroom.

Denny’s Kazakh Lunch Menu

Diners can enjoy main dishes such as chicken breast steak, veal medallions and salmon steaks, with a variety of exotic flavors and generous portions to suit any appetite.

Denny’s Kazakh dessert menu

Dessert choices include Raffaello’s curd balls, berry mousse cheese and fitness candies, providing a sweet finish to dinner with tasty and healthy alternatives.


Q1. What time does Denny’s close?

Answer: Varies by location; check local listings.

Q2. What time does Denny’s open?

Answer: Usually 24 hours; otherwise, check local listings.

Q3. Where is the nearest Denny’s?

Answer: Depends on location; Use Denny’s Locator online.

Q4. What happened to Denny in Kazakhstan?

Answer: Check latest news or Denny’s official updates for real-time details.

Q5. What is the famous Denny’s menu in Kazakhstan?

Answer: Maybe a mix of local and American cuisine, such as unique breakfast options or international twists on classic soups and salads.

Q6. Does Denny’s have Kazakh food?

Answer: Yes, the menu includes local flavors such as borscht with pears and plums.

Q7. Is Denny’s popular in Kazakhstan?

Answer: Popularity may vary; Checking local dining picks or reviews for current trends can help.

Q8. What do they do at Denny’s?

Answer: A mix of American diner favorites with a local twist, including breakfast, soups, salads, entrees, desserts and smoothies.

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